IBOGAINE THE ANTIDOTE FOR DRUG ADDICTION THAT WAS FIRST A CIA SECRET IS NOW SAVING LIVES TODAY Cures Not Wars has been proactively demonstrating to the world that the drug problem and the "war on drugs" can both be ended in one generation. Not by continuing along the path of militant prohibition but through market separation, education and treatment that works by reversing addiction. Although nobody ever expects to become addicted, being addicted is the
strongest anti-drug education there is. Effective drug treatment is crucial in order to bring addicts back to society. We propose a progressive strategy to eliminate the demand for drugs by replacing the police war and prisons with Ibogaine treatment for drug addicts. Give us cures, not wars!
We have seen many successful recoveries from hard core addiction to cocaine and crack, opiates, pharmaceuticals, methadone, alcohol, and nicotine. Ibogaine treatment is effective on individual or multiple addictions in one treatment procedure. Our military and CIA have kept Ibogaine a secret after 7 years of study -just before the drug addiction epidemic of the 60's. In 1970 it was made illegal. As a hallucinogen under the Controlled Substances Act, Ibogaine is a Schedule I drug, making
it more illegal than many of the drugs of addiction it treats! The action of Ibogaine is to return the addict's brain chemistry to the pre-addicted state. An effect that can be accurately explained as an antidote to drug addiction. NIDA (National Institute of Drug Abuse) has already investigated its usefulness and approved it as a "Poly-Drug Addiction Interrupter." No other substance investigated by them qualifies for this remarkable title. The reason behind this is the fact
that Ibogaine is not a maintenance drug but a corrective treatment for addiction that does not require many regular doses. Ibogaine treatment is currently in FDA (Food & Drug Administration) approval trials, however, it's being shunned by drug companies as not profitable and as competition to their less effective products. Drugs that they are heavily invested in. Instead of finishing up ibogaine approval trials, FDA and NIDA approval processes have been clogged with these maintenance
pharmaceuticals. The result of this corporate resistance is that FDA Ibogaine approval trials are under-funded are going very slow. To illustrate the reality and potential of Ibogaine, Cures Not Wars has been operating an underground railroad, shipping American addicts offshore to clinics in other countries that had never prohibited Ibogaine or had removed their US inspired laws against it. You will find scientific data, living proof testimonials and the implications of
this treatment in the book The Ibogaine Story: Report on the Staten Island Project. We call on all responsible voters to call for expedited funding and finishing of the FDA Ibogaine approval trials. Addictive drugs are bad everywhere but nowhere as destructive as they are here. America has been
ravaged by a drug addiction problem that is much too great for any relief using the threat of jail and violent law enforcement, nor through the slow process of currently employed drug addiction treatments. Take a stand for a public health approach to the problem of addiction. Don't pass up this chance to protest the bureaucrats who heartlessly withhold the Ibogaine cure from addicts, while locking up hundreds of thousands in pursuit of a filthy Civil War on drugs. We at Cures-Not-Wars are looking for a good junkie. What's a good junkie? For our purposes, a good junkie is someone who:
1. Is addicted to heroin, cocaine, methadone or pharmaceuticals.
2. Has tried to quit in current drug treatment system and failed. 3. Wants a real solution to break physical and mental addiction. 4. Has a reliable loved one or family member who can vouch for his/her condition. 5. Is legally free to travel for a week to go through treatment. 6. Can provide current EKG and Blood Test results. If you, or your loved one, qualify there is
a possibility of going outside the U.S. to an Ibogaine rehabilitation clinic. Contact us at Jay in Michigan if you live in the Midwest U.S. or national contact
if you live elsewhere.
What Is Ibogaine? Ibogaine
in a majority of cases, interrupts addiction to hard drugs. Ibogaine allows a patient to kick without withdrawal symptoms, beat the pressure to relapse by reversing craving so the patient can mature out of the addiction. Ibogaine is a naturally occurring psychoactive indole alkaloid from the
rainforests of West Africa. While it is found in the roots of the plant Tabernanthe Iboga (apocynaceae), a shrub commonly planted around homes in Gabonese villages, it's also synthesized to a high purity. The people of the region use it to induce visions during religious rites that initiate children into adulthood. Howard Lotsof, an American heroin addict, discovered it as an addiction antidote in 1962 while involved in youthful drug experimentation. After a
36-hour waking dream experience, he was surprised to find that he had completely lost his desire for the drugs to which he had been addicted. He experienced no withdrawal symptoms and was heroin free for many years. Because addictions are an imbalance in the dopamine and/or endorphin systems in the brain, Ibogaine works as an antidote to purge junk chemistry and restore normal brain function. Ibogaine has been shown effective against
opiates, cocaine, crack, speed, alcohol and cigarettes. This indicated a similarity in the processes of the brain altered by drug abuse which has sparked much new clinical study, redefining what addiction is. Ibogaine's primary, dreamlike, effect detoxifies the patient, stops withdrawal and reverses addiction. The very same process happens naturally in REM sleep, dreaming. For a few minutes an hour the brain refreshes itself, but on a smaller
scale. Not enough to reverse addition. This dream state is brought on by Tryptomine. Ibogaine is a very potent chain of this neurotransmitter that creates a continual REM state for hours. Patients describe an introspective experience. They have the opportunity to rationally evaluate past errors and trauma, while growing, maturing and reconstructing their attitudes. They're often shocked at the lack of withdrawal symptoms, craving and after-effects. A single 36-hour
ibogaine experience is enough to break addiction. It is followed with a long-lasting metabolite, Nor-Ibogaine that relieves craving. Lotsof recommends at least several months before any repeat treatments and, for most patients, one or two treatments is enough. If a patient does not respond by the fifth or sixth try then it may be one of the few cases where ibogaine isn't enough, however the detoxification from drugs will still happen.
The one problem now in the U.S. is the status of Ibogaine as a Schedule I drug, Ibogaine was accused of being a drug of abuse, like LSD. However, it was never peddled in the street and no prosecutions for it have ever been brought. The former FDA case officer on Ibogaine, Dr. Curtis Wright, once admitted its abuse potential was "low to none." Yet, Dr. Alan Leshner, a George Bush Sr. administration head of NIDA, with prejudice against any use of a Schedule I "psychedelic" drug, abandoned very successful Ibogaine research in 1995. Instead he diverted time and funding into other research, including a cocaine addiction maintenance drug, Buprenorphine. Then a patent dispute complicated FDA trials at the University of Miami.
Today, current FDA trails at New York University Medical School and the University of Miami show the process is not dead. Meanwhile, in the absence of FDA approval, thousands of Ibogaine treatments are still taking place worldwide.