Liberation Day
2nd Annual
Benton Harbor edition May 08 2010 Second Sat. Not First
Celebrate the First Saturday Of May
Noon to Dusk Rally in Union Park Rally with speeches from NORML and Cures Not Wars. Cannabis medicine users will testify and then live music and after party
4:20pm Sidewalk March
Contact: Eric 269-926-3079 email us here
Bring signs or come early to make your own. Drums, chants, costumes, and benevolent drama highly encouraged.
This is not a "Smoke IN" If you are not a pateint,it will not be any safer to smoke in this park than it is on any other day. Leave your pot at home or smoke it on the way there. Instead, come learn how to change the law and make us all safe and legal. There is a statewide ballot intitative that needs volunteer petitioners to free the weed for everybody in 2012! No Previous Benton Harbor Marches BACK
